Research | Implementation | Impact

Exploring Intersectionality

Ifeoluwa Adesina | AWHL PhD candidate & Research Assistant

Improving diversity and equity in healthcare leadership requires us to look beyond gender alone. Women’s experiences are not the same. The intersection of our social identities - such as race, ethnicity, disability and sexuality - can further marginalise women. A report by the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector identified that compounding forms of discrimination impact career progression, pay inequality, and the experience of sexual harassment and discrimination at work. We also know that being a woman and from a racially marginalised background can limit access to resources and opportunities impacting on career trajectories and advancement to leadership (Zeinali et al, 2022).

We are exploring this across our work, including a deeper understanding led by PhD candidate, Ifeoluwa Adesina.

PhD candidates | Exploring intersectionality

Ifeoluwa Adesina

Primary Supervisor: A/Prof Jacqueline Boyle

Associate Supervisors: A/Prof Nada Hamad, Dr Anju Joham